British mom hasn’t seen her kids in 10 years due to Hague Convention misuse

By James Reynolds, Daily Mail UK

17 February 2024

It has been eight years since Anita Gera last saw her children. Her daughter is now 16, her son 18.

‘He’s now legally an adult,’ she reflects soberly. ‘He’s just finished high school. His graduation was last week. So I have missed his entire childhood since the age of nine. The last birthday I spent with him was his ninth.’

Anita, 59, has been unable to see her children since August 3, 2015, after their father filed a Hague Convention claim against her. The law is supposed to protect children from international abduction by one parent, quickly returning the child to their country of ‘habitual residence’. But it’s being misused, she warns.

Now, she runs a charity making parents aware of the risks of moving overseas.

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